Can't quit Alfred? Me neither! But I use these Raycast extensions
Posted on February 8, 2024 by Loren
I have been using Alfred since 2016 version 2. My Alfred workflows and muscle memory are so ingrained that moving to Raycast just isn’t an option. That said, I've got Raycast installed, and I'm currently using the free version, leveraging just two extensions that I find particularly useful.
The first is the Raycast Reminders extension. Here's what it does:
- Create Reminders: You can create new reminders, add notes, set priority, and specify a due date. The due date can be expressed in natural language. For instance, you can say “Remind me tomorrow at 3 PM” to set a reminder for that time.
- My Reminders: This command lists all your uncompleted reminders. You can mark them as complete, set their priority, copy details, or open them in Apple's Reminder app.
The second is the Calendar My Schedule extension. Here's what it does:
- My Schedule: View upcoming events for different time frames, from today's agenda to the weeks ahead. Search for specific events. No more calendar app hopping!
Alfred simply has nothing like these two extensions.