
GoodLinks to iA Writer Custom Actions

Posted on June 17, 2024 by Loren

Hey friends, as I mentioned the other day, I’m switching to iA Writerfor my blogging and writing. This means capturing my ideas directly in iA Writer. Since GoodLinks is my go-to read-it-later app, I’ve created some Custom Actions that seamlessly transfer content from GoodLinks to iA Writer.

Previously, I wrote about creating Custom Actions in GoodLinks and it included actions for sending content to Drafts. I’m excited to share three Custom Actions for sending content from GoodLinks to iA Writer with you.

Title, Author, URL, Selection to iA


This action sends the title, author, URL, and selected text in the active article to iA Writer as plain text.

Selection - iA


This action sends the selected text in the active article to iA Writer as plain text.

Markdown Title, URL - iA


This action sends the title and URL of the active article to iA Writer as markdown.