I’ve been using GitHub all wrong for this site. Instead of working from a cloned repository, I was just using a regular folder of files on my computer. Whenever I wanted to add a new post or make changes, I’d edit them in VS Code, then drag and drop the updated files directly into GitHub’s web interface. I knew this wasn’t the right way to do it, but I didn’t know any better. So, I started searching YouTube for a better way to handle it.
I came across this video GitHub Tutorial - Beginner’s Training Guide - YouTube that helped immensely.
What I needed to do was install GitHub Desktop and I needed to clone the repository locally.
Now GitHub Desktop connects GitHub, my local repository, and VS Code together. Here’s how it works:
Honestly, taking the time to learn GitHub Desktop has made managing my static site so much easier. I can jump into VS Code to edit, track changes locally, and sync it all with GitHub in just a couple of clicks. It’s been a fucking game-changer.
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