
Re - Zed fonts

Posted on January 21, 2025 by Loren

Hey friends, I know many of you prefer mono fonts for writing and coding. I recently discovered a new mono-spaced font that you might be interested in. Macosguru posted about a new text editor he found and also mentioned that the app’s default font, Zed mono, was clean and well-designed.

Zed is a new text editor which is built around the collaboration between humans and AI. I am not interested in that particular activity but it is an interesting addition to the world of text editors. It is snappy, clean, and modern. I don’t have a need for it, having immersed myself in Emacs. But if you are looking for an editor, I would give this a shot.

Talking about Zed. I loved the fonts that the editor uses as default. They have made them available.The Zed Mono and Sans typefaces, custom built from Iosevka. I can’t resist a free font, specially a well-designed, clean one. Get them to use in your editor of choice.

Like Macosguru, I’m not interested in Zed’s text editor, but I did download the mono fonts. I’m currently typing this in MarkEdit using the Zed mono-spaced font, and I like it. I’m going to use it for a while and see if it sticks for me. Check out the Zed editor and Zed fonts for more information.