Sticking My Head in the Sand (But Not Really)
Posted on November 26, 2024 by Loren
I’ve spent way too much time over the last 12 months paying way too much fucking attention to political news. The US election is over. I’m over it. I’ve purged all news from my RSS feed, including any blogs that can’t resist regularly interjecting politics into their content. Gone. Done. Also? No more 24-hour news channels.
I’m old. I want to enjoy what’s left of this ride. I don’t want to spend my final years fretting about everything that’s coming down the pike that I don’t agree with. Do I care? Hell yes, I care. But let’s be real, there’s nothing I can do to change it. And let’s face it, nobody’s going to be thrilled with everything that’s coming anyway, no matter who you voted for.
So, am I sticking my head in the sand? Nope. I’m still watching the national news on broadcast TV, you know, the regular stuff that gives me what I need to know without dragging me into the political abyss. I’ll stay informed, but the days of letting politics hijack my fucking sanity are over.
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