
To POSSE or not to POSSE

Posted on November 25, 2024 by Loren

POSSE? It stands for "Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere" - basically where you post stuff on your site first, then share it around on social media and whatnot, always linking back to your original post.

Thing is, I've been wondering if I should be doing this. And for me, it's clearly no. Since I don't use social media, why would I want to put my blog posts there? Sure, maybe I'd pick up a few more RSS subscribers, but that's not why I'm blogging in the first place.

My blog is its own thing. It’s mainly just a place to get my thoughts out there. My RSS followers are my people, and I pick up new ones now and then when other bloggers link to something I wrote. And that’s perfectly fine with me.